Category: Wedding Card

Thirty Three More Days!

Been so uninspired lately that I couldn’t even think of a proper title to this post blearrgh. I really wish I had more time to blog, but last semester is killing me and every free time I have is spent on running errands, booking last minute items like cake hantaran etc.

Which is why I’m so grateful that MOH, Umairah, and fiance took time off to throw us a mini DIY pre wedding shoot. #brokeassbride lah katakan hahaha. But sweetest couple ever, sayang korang!


The shoot was so impromptu that we both had barely any time to prepare anything. Luckily I managed to swing by Forever 21 to get this long vest/dress thingy to throw over my jeans and a flower crown from Bugis village. Helmi just threw on his fave white shirt, suspenders and a DIY boutonniere I made that morning. A quick tutorial is available below. All you need is some extra flowers lying around, safety pin, string and hot glue!

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

And, as some of you may already know, I’ve been having a terrible, terrible time dealing with my wedding card vendor. Despite their minor role in whole the process itself which is merely printing since I designed most of the card and map myself. This will be a tale for another time, so I will not be disclosing their identity for now. But I’ve FINALLY received them after almost 3 weeks of delay. Sneak peek nak tak??

Aisyah Helmi Wedding Card

LOVE LOVE THEM! At least they delivered quality, despite all the fuss. But it was an experience I never ever want to repeat. FULL STOP.

There are actually so many mooooar updates, including a sudden change in vendors (a.k.a jump ship) but just so little time to type. Will find time to update soon!